News About Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati,’Asking votes in the name of religion is an unpardonable crime’ Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand gave a big advice to BJP-Congress – Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati said asking votes in the name of religion is wrong – 2024-05-13 21:40:08

by times news cr

2024-05-13 21:40:08
Jaipur : Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati has expressed strong opposition to political parties contesting elections in the name of religion in the present context. He said that religion is not a subject of politics. Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati arrived in Jaipur on Monday during his stay. While talking to the media here, he took a dig at the political parties and also called upon the public to boycott the political parties that internally support cow slaughter. He has also raised the demand to declare mother cow as the national mother.

Said on the statement of Congress leader – Do not give statement on what you do not understand.

Jagatguru Shankaracharya Avimukteshwarananda came to Jaipur on Monday to take part in the ‘Sankalp Yatra’ organized to stop cow slaughter. During this period, Jagadguru Shankaracharya taught theology to political parties. During this, he also expressed his views on Nana Patole’s statement ‘If Congress government comes, Ram temple will be purified again’. He said that first of all tell me, what is missing in that temple? When you have no knowledge about temples, mosques and religious scriptures, then why do you give such statements? This is the responsibility of religious people and should be left to them only. He said that no party has the right to interfere in religious matters.

Called those who encourage cow slaughter as ‘butcher party’

Jagatguru Shankaracharya further said that not only us but every Sanatani should have a strong determination to stop cow slaughter. For this we have now geared up. He fiercely attacked political parties by calling them ‘butcher parties’ without naming anyone. He said that the butcher party is the one which, after winning the elections, encourages the cow slaughterers and takes donations from the cow slaughterers. It grants licenses to slaughterhouses that kill cows, which in turn subsidizes the slaughterhouse machines.

Protested against seeking votes in the name of Ram temple

During this, Shankaracharya lashed out at the Lok Sabha elections for seeking votes in the name of Ram temple and religion. He said that no political party has any right to ask for votes from people in the name of religion to win elections. Using religion in politics is an unpardonable crime. He said that first political parties should first learn theology. Attacking the political parties without naming them, he said that they have given an affidavit in the Election Commission of being secular, but all of them are violating it. Shankaracharya also has a big target on PM Modi.
During a conversation with the media, Shankaracharya Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati was asked why PM Modi gives his speech by raising slogans of Jai Shri Ram and Gau Mata Ki Jai in his election speech. On this he said that any political party should not take the help of religion to win elections, this is wrong. Taking aim at PM Modi without taking his name, he said that he should seek votes on his management, law and order… how he created awareness among the people… how he spread education. Movement does not lead to hearing, political Boycott parties: Shankaracharya advised the common people not to agitate now to stop cow slaughter. He said that now there is no hearing by protesting. Big agitators came, but failed and went away. You saw that the players were sitting, they were dragged and destroyed by the police. You know what happened to the farmers also. There is a stampede in the movement, the police open fire, cases are registered under sections. If you keep fighting the case all your life then there will be no hearing from the movement. We should boycott political parties that encourage cow slaughter. We should take a resolution in our mind and put a board outside the house that ‘This is the house of true Sanatan Dharma and cow devotee.’ Please do not contact us with pro-cow slaughter parties. By taking such a resolution, political parties should be boycotted.

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