ngel Contreras, new president of Adif and Adif Alta Velocity

by time news

2023-12-12 00:00:00

He held the position of general director of Conservation and Maintenance of Adif.


Contreras was born in the Valencian town of Born in Torrenten in 1975, he is a Civil Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and has various postgraduate courses in construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure.

Between 2000 and 2006 I participated in the execution of works such as the undergrounding of the Valencia metro line, the tram line in Burjaot and platform projects for the Madrid-Levante high-speed line. From 2006 to 2011, he was construction director of different high-speed platform actions, such as the Valencia Railway Arterial Network, the connection between Valencia and Jiva and between Madrid and Torrejn de Velasco.

Since 2012, you have been responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Conventional Network in the Eastern Operations Subdirectorate of Adif, with the positions of head of Investment Coordination and manager of the Maintenance Area. In 2018 he was appointed general director of Conservation and Maintenance of Adif, and developed the execution of the recovery and resilience funds, the launch of the renewal of a large number of lines of the conventional network, the comprehensive renewal of the Madrid-Seville line, the maintenance of the railway network during the Covid crisis and the resolution of incidents related to adverse meteorological effects, such as Filomena or Gloria, among others.

#ngel #Contreras #president #Adif #Adif #Alta #Velocity

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