TV actress Nia Sharma has been in the news for some time. Because she was seen in ‘Laughter Chefs‘. After that she was also going to appear in ‘Bigg Boss 18‘ but it was not possible. Now the actress has spoken openly about her personal life. From struggle to father’s death, Nia Sharma spoke openly about her journey in the showbiz industry in an interview given to ‘Pinkvilla’. He talked about doing odd jobs, remembering how his life changed after his father passed away.
Nia Sharma could not sleep
Recalling the days before entering the showbiz industry, Nia Sharma said that she did not know how to do makeup. She was very confused about her life. She remembered how she could not sleep every night because she was worried about her future and life.
Nia Sharma’s father passes away
Nia revealed that her teenage years were stressful as her father passed away when she was 14 and things have changed a lot since then. The actress told, ‘My brother was struggling to earn. Every night I used to think that I have to stand on my feet. I wanted to do a job so that I would not be a burden on my family. This was my thought every day. I didn’t have any big dreams in life.
Nia Sharma wanted to do a job, wanted to become a journalist
Nia Sharma told that in those days she wanted to become a journalist and hence she chose journalism. Nia told that during her college days, she never used to party, rather she used to concentrate on studies. She said, ‘I wanted a job with a salary of Rs 20,000 or Rs 25,000 and I thought that this would be right for me, but God had something else in mind.’
Nia Sharma used to earn two and a half thousand rupees by anchoring.
Nia told that only her mother and brother were there to guide her. There was no one else except him. ‘I have worked as an MC. The job of MC is one where one anchors events and I did it because I wanted to talk. I wanted to host events. I used to earn Rs 2.5 thousand for two hours. I didn’t know where all these strange jobs would take me. But I kept working blindly.