Nicaise Moulombi in favor of the restoration of the Council (…) – Gabonews

by time news

2023-09-13 21:09:23

Nicaise Moulombi in favor of the restoration of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council

September 13, 2023

He is one of the actors of Gabonese civil society who openly welcomed the coup d’état which for him is beneficial. If Nicaise Moulombi welcomes this bloodless coup d’état, he pleads for the restoration of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council like many other institutions.

Nicaise Moulombi, like many other Gabonese people, continues to welcome what he describes as a salutary coup d’état. He wishes to reaffirm his support for the Gabonese Transition masterfully led by General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, President of the Transition. “As a civil society actor at the national, sub-regional and international level, I am aware that coups d’état are to be condemned. But for the case of Gabon, it is a salutary coup d’état. It made it possible to avoid a bloodbath for the Gabonese people and especially in a civil war” he maintains.

Continuing his remarks, the civil society actor affirms that 54 years in power, the CEO has created a lot of frustrations, divisions in families, in the administration, in unions, NGOs and even in churches and political parties. “We can only salute and support General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema while being vigilant in making decisions that the CTRI should take. Decision-making that should be consensual and participatory. This is why I welcome this coup d’état” he reaffirms.

In addition to welcoming the takeover of power by the military, Nicaise Moulombi calls on the new authorities to think about the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. It serves as a useful reminder that it is an instrument of the founding fathers. “I would like to humbly ask the President of the Transition to keep in mind the positive work of the founding fathers and that he can continue the process while improving” suggests the civil society actor.

For the member of this dissolved institution, it is important to review it in a new prospective dimension that can contribute to supporting power. The EESC’s analyses, he will assert, have always been appreciated by the international community, even if they were only opinions. He will subsequently argue thatit is important to have an Economic, Social and Environmental Council for the Transition so as not to lose Gabon’s achievements and to be on international standards, such as the Economic and Social Council of Ecosoc, of the United Nations.

According to Nicaise Moulombi, it would be premature to abolish the CESE for the Transition period. “I would be in favor of the CESE being reduced in its capacities to 70% to not only be present in the forums, but to support this Transition“. He also thinks that the opinions which will emerge from there, would allow the actors of civil society who will be identified at the level of the Senate and the National Assembly, to better use the opinions in the examination of the finance law which is very important.

Mr. Moulombi humbly invites the President of the Transition to remain in the notion that he himself decreed during his speech, that is to say, probity, investigations to avoid the mixing of genres, but above all that this transition does not give a cliché of the return of Bongoism without taking into account the principles of transparency. This could be the oil stain in the transition that started well. He expects from the General that all those who are the subject of high treason will be prosecuted by the competent courts.


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