Nintendo offers a free trial of Switch Online, if you’ve used it before (North America)

by time news

Nintendo offers a free trial of Switch Online, if you’ve used it before (North America)

Switch owners located in North America can now claim a free trial of the basic version of Switch Online. This offer is available to US and Canadian players who have previously had a free trial and do not currently have a subscription. If you already have an existing subscription, this offer is not available to you.

This experience will give you access to Nintendo Switch games online, allow you to play in NES and SNES game libraries, and use Save Data Cloud support. Remember, the N64 and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games are part of the premium ‘Expansion Pack’ tier – so to get access to this content, you just have to pay more.

Yesterday, Nintendo added three new games to its NES and SNES services. You can learn more in our previous story:

Will you use this free trial period? Have you ever signed up for NSO? Leave a comment below.

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