no agreement on wages with unions

by time news

With the exception of the CFE-CGC, the other organizations consider the general increase of 3.5% proposed by management to be insufficient.

No agreement has been reached between the trade unions of Amazon Logistique France and the management, within the framework of the mandatory annual negotiations (NAO) started on March 8. In a context of sharp rise in prices in France (on petrol, energy, foodstuffs, etc.), employee representatives demanded a salary increase of 5%. After several weeks of difficult talks, management did not want to go beyond 3.5%.

“We are not signatories, because this proposal remains indecent”, reacted Morgane Boulard, CFDT central union representative. “Since inflation is now 4.8%, we wanted at least 5%”insists Hakim Taoufik, central union representative of the CAT.

11.26 euros gross per hour

“Out of five unions, only the CFE-CGC has signed, recognizes Jon Scott, appointed HRD of Amazon Logistique France, on April 26th. Unilaterally, we will put in place our proposal for a general increase of 3.5%, from June 1st”. The entry level wage at Amazon will thus increase to 11.26 euros gross per hour.

Initially, management had offered a 3% raise. She agreed to go up to 3.5%, but no more. “This increase seems correct and well positioned to us, continues the leader. We weren’t able to go to 5%. To take into account the real economic difficulties, we have already made efforts. We are also maintaining the December bonus this year..

In November, Amazon Logistique France doubled the government’s inflation bonus to 200 euros, and distributed it to all workers, employees and supervisors. “Between May 1, 2021 and June 1, 2022, the increase in wages was 5.6%, practically equivalent to the 5.8% revaluation of the Smic decided by the government”, reminds the manager.

At Amazon, relations between unions and management are often strained. On April 4, a social movement broke out in the company’s eight logistics sites. The CGT then argued that Amazon was going “to charge 5% tax to its sellers (third-party sellers of its marketplace, editor’s note) to deal with the increase in fuel», but refusedto give 5% to its employees so that they can cope with the increase in fuel“. On May 1, several unions (CFDT, Sud, CGT, CAT, CFE-CGC) denounced a “blackmail” of the management of the American giant, claiming according to them that “if they did not sign the proposal at +3.5%, a 3% salary increase would be decided unilaterally”.

They finally obtained 3.5% – far from the 5% they hoped for – and deplored the end of some advantages, including the number of absences authorized without proof (which goes from three to one). “The negotiations began with very clear-cut positions taken by the unions, recognizes Jon Scott. If the discussions were difficult, the last meeting allowed a serene dialogue..

3,000 permanent hires in 2022

Amazon currently employs nearly 15,500 employees on permanent contracts in France and plans to create more than 3,000 additional permanent contracts this year.

“Eight out of ten employees recommend their loved ones to come and work at Amazon, assure Jon Scott. All our employees receive a free Amazon share each year, a participation (890 euros on average in 2022), a thirteenth month after one year of seniority, a raise after 12 months and a second after 24 months”.

In 2021, Amazon had planned 3,000 permanent hires. Eventually there were 4,000.”We are confident in our ability to recruit and attract new talent,” says the HRD.

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