No, ants can’t predict rain. So when will it rain?

by time news

2023-04-27 09:58:00

Messages are being shared on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and TikTok stating that the end of the drought in Spain can be predicted in the coming weeks through the behavior of ants. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, making it an unfounded theory with no solid foundation.

In this sense, meteorological pseudosciences, such as cabañuelas, are often compared to horoscopes due to their vagueness when it comes to predicting the weather. This lack of precision gives the impression that the cabins or the behavior of the ants offer more accurate forecasts than the predictions of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET). This phenomenon is known as the “Forer Effect”..

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What is certain is that some studies and anecdotal observations suggest that certain ant behaviors could be related to changes in weather conditions, including rainfall.

For example, some species of ants have been observed to adjust their activities or modify their nests when rain approaches, such as covering the entrance holes with small stones or earth. This could be due to the ants’ ability to sense changes in humidity, air pressure, or other environmental factors that might be associated with rainfall.

While these behaviors don’t mean the ants can reliably predict rain, they could be indicators that a change in weather is afoot. However, there is a difference between the reaction of ants or other animals to a weather situation, such as seeking shelter during a rain (something logical and that we all do), and their ability to predict the weather.

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Also, it is important to note that these behaviors are not universal among all ant species and ultimately cannot be used as an accurate weather forecast.


In the year 340 BC, Aristotle was already describing weather patterns in his work entitled Meteorology. However, significant advances in the study of climate did not begin until the 19th century.

We are now aware that our weather forecasts will never be completely accurate, although we do manage to hit them quite often. Taking this into account, mar gomezPhD in Physical Sciences and head of meteorology at, suggests that temperatures will continue to be higher than usual throughout Spain in the coming months and summer is expected to be particularly hot both in the country and in much of Europe.

iStock 1150229690

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Unfortunately, in the short term significant rains are not expected to alleviate the droughtand the summer months, which are historically the driest, do not augur any improvement in the water situation.

Regarding the exceptionally high increase in temperatures currently being suffered in Spain, the data does suggest a drop in temperatures at the end of the current week, according to this report from the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) that make this forecast for the following days:


Maximum temperatures in °C

Wednesday 26

>30 in the southern half of the peninsula, decrease in southeastern coasts

Thursday 27

>32-34 in the southern interior of the peninsula, >37 in the Guadalquivir valley, >30 in the Ebro valley and the Duero valley

Friday the 28th

>32/34 in the southern half of the peninsula, >36 in the Guadalquivir valley, >30/32 in the Ebro valley and inland Mallorca

Saturday 29

Notable thermal drop throughout the Mediterranean slope, but >32 in the Ebro Valley and inland Mallorca, >34 locally in areas of Malaga, Almería, Murcia and Alicante

Domingo 30

Thermal decrease in the entire Mediterranean slope. The episode of exceptionally high temperatures ends.

#ants #predict #rain #rain

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