No lands will be sold by DPF-Agro Plovdiv

by time news

2023-12-01 13:18:11

Land from the state land fund will not be sold (DPF) and this topic is closed, the Prime Minister declared Academician Nikolay Denkov in the National Assembly in response to a question asked by ITN.

“No lands will be sold and this thread is closed!” Whatever letters were exchanged between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture! I spoke to both ministers. None of them have any desire or intention, in fact there is no financial benefit, to sell these lands.”

Bulgaria is developing according to some of the best indicators, budgets are implemented, revenues are implemented, everything you say is manipulation that has no real basis, Denkov said

Earlier this week, ITN publicized correspondence between the Minister of Agriculture Kiril Vatev and the Minister of Finance Asen Vasilev about the ready sale of land from the State Land Fund with the 2025 budget.

#lands #sold #DPFAgro #Plovdiv

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