“No teacher will start their career under 2000 euros net monthly”, promises Emmanuel Macron

by time news

The President of the Republic undertook this Thursday morning to continue the revaluation of teachers’ salaries.

Emmanuel Macron promised Thursday that the revaluation of teachers’ salaries would be “continued“so that none of them start their careers”less than 2000 euros net” per month.

At the Grenelle of education initiated in 2020, “you (…) started a general revaluation of the remuneration 2 years ago, which will be continued, by ensuring that no teacher begins his career with less than 2000 euros net” per month and who “will allow approximately 10% increase in compensation compared to the status quo“, declared the President of the Republic in front of the rectors and rectrices gathered at the Sorbonne for their return to school.

To this general revaluation of wages, “hardcore floor», will be added a «pact for teacherswhich will allow them, on a voluntary basis, toengage (…) in additional missions“, such as individualized follow-up, supervision tasks or “actions that make sense», and who will be «remunerated“, specified the Head of State.

During a press conference, Stéphane Crochet, secretary general of the SE-Unsa teachers’ union, expressed his desire that this revaluation benefit teachers “from the internship year» and not from their tenure. Otherwise, “2000 euros is a figure that we ourselves had set as a goal“, most “in 2020“, did he declare. In view of inflation, this amount should be revalued “today at rather 2200 euros“, according to him.

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