North Korea missile test: Japan, South Korea condemned – Dinamani

by time news

North Korea missile test: Japan, South Korea condemn

Japan and South Korea say North Korea has test-fired another missile.

The occasional missile test by North Korea has caused a stir in neighboring countries. Political turmoil continues over North Korea’s missile test, despite warnings from multinationals and neighbors.

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A state-of-the-art ballistic missile was reportedly tested off the east coast of North Korea on Wednesday. This is North Korea’s missile test every two months.

Neighboring Japan and South Korea have condemned North Korea’s missile test.

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Japan and South Korea have said North Korea’s tensions over the Korean Peninsula have led to the test, but said the test shows that North Korea is not ready to negotiate over its use of nuclear energy.

It is noteworthy, however, that North Korea has not yet released any details about the missile test.


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