Not just singles – more and more people are going on vacation alone

by time news

2023-04-18 13:48:00

Opinion Travel alone

Honey, I’ll be gone then

If you are out and about without company, you cannot share experiences. But he doesn’t make any compromises either. However, apparently solo travelers are often not the ones you would think of first.

responsible editor travel/style/motor

Rear view of a young man taking pictures of Montmartre street with smart phone, Paris, France Rear view of a young man taking pictures of Montmartre street with smart phone, Paris, France

click. Those who go on vacation alone today can virtually take friends and family with them

Quelle: Getty Images/Moment RF/Alexander Spatari

Das every traveler knows from vacations together: compromises are a must. This is normal and good. Every human has traveling his own pace, his own likes and dislikes.

In the museum, for example: some would sprint to the three or four highlights of an exhibition in quick succession. Great, seen everything, now what? Others stroll from one exhibition room to the next, enjoying a few quiet minutes on a bench in front of a painting, deeply engrossed in contemplating the picture, to the delight of all museum educators, while their partner is already waiting outside.

The same diametrically opposed understanding of time can also often be observed when visiting markets, shopping or walking around the city – and it often contains an involuntary comedy: “Yes, where are you staying?” is often called out into mobile phones. Seems somehow familiar.

Some holiday rhythms are simply not compatible: Some prefer to sleep in and take it easy; It doesn’t matter what else the beautiful day of vacation brings. Others, on the other hand, want to get up at cockcrow so as not to waste vacation time unnecessarily; the list of planned activities for the day is worked through methodically. And some dance the night away and only come back to the hotel at dawn, when the holiday turns into a relay race with high fives.

Not just single people

This raises the fundamental question: Traveling together, doing something alone, does that really make sense? Or wouldn’t it be exciting (and consistent) to travel solo? And indeed: more and more travelers in this country decide to leave friends or family at home during a short vacation.

According to a survey by the cruise line Norwegian Cruise Line, which courts passengers traveling alone, more than half (54 percent) of Germans plan to travel alone this year. Around a fifth (19 percent) have already booked their solo trip in 2023.

Solo at the Eiffel Tower: Paris is the second most popular city for solo travelers

Solo at the Eiffel Tower: Paris is the second most popular city for solo travelers

What: Getty Images/ E+/ lechatnoir

It is not single people, but, ironically, people in a stable relationship who decide to go on a solo trip with an overwhelming majority – almost three quarters (74 percent). It’s more men, namely 58 percent, who plan to travel alone: ​​honey, I’ll be away for a few days.

And why? A majority of travelers state that freedom (37 percent), gaining their own experience (31 percent), self-discovery and trying something new (30 percent each) are the key reasons.

Airbnb is adapting to the trend

At Airbnb, too, the number of solo travelers worldwide has increased by a third compared to the previous year, and in Germany by as much as 57 percent. The most popular destinations include Berlin, Paris and the Black Forest, Seoul, Stuttgart, London, Munich, Barcelona, ​​Hamburg and Rheinhessen.

That’s why Airbnb has a new feature: when a solo guest books a room, the Solo Traveler Safety Tips feature is activated—including the ability to share the itinerary with loved ones back home. If you want that.

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