Notre-Dame de Paris: dismantling of the scaffolding around the spire has begun

by time news

2024-02-13 19:13:45

A symbol is reborn. The dismantling of the scaffolding around the spire of Notre-Dame de Paris, devastated by a fire in 2019, “began a few days ago” and it should be fully visible for the Paris Olympic Games, a indicated the public establishment on Tuesday.

“It appears again in the sky! French pride,” President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday on X (ex-Twitter).

The needle of the arrow, rebuilt identically to that designed in the 19th century by the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, a masterpiece in solid oak wood covered with a lead roof, is already visible , surmounted by the crown, the cross and the rooster.

Construction will continue during the Olympics

“The dismantling of the scaffolding has started and will continue in the coming months. The arrow should be clearly visible in the Paris sky for the Olympics,” said the source. “The scaffolding, weighing 600 tonnes and made up of 70,000 metal parts, rose to a height of 100 m. It included 48 levels, closely intertwined with the frame,” she explained. “It allowed the reassembly of the spire without hindering the assembly of all the solid oak parts of the frame, followed by the installation of the lead cover”, original materials chosen and validated in 2020 by the National Commission heritage and architecture (CNPA).

The famous spire collapsed, along with other parts of the cathedral, on April 15, 2019 in an impressive fire, the images of which were broadcast live, sparking global emotion. The reopening of the cathedral is scheduled for December 8.

Video. Paris: the cross of Notre-Dame Cathedral placed at the top of its spire

The reconstruction project must continue during the Olympic Games from July 26 to August 11 – which will be followed by the Paralympic Games from August 28 to September 8.

Legal investigations into the origin of the disaster are continuing. At the end of the preliminary investigation, the accidental route was favored.

#NotreDame #Paris #dismantling #scaffolding #spire #begun

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