Nuclear war. Possible scenario?

by time news

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has not only brought the fear of war back to Europe, it has thrown the specter of nuclear conflict upon the world. But how real is the atomic danger? Andrea Gilli and Federica Dall’Arche will discuss it at the live talk organized by Airpress magazine. The live broadcast on this page and on Formiche’s social channels on Tuesday 8 March, 12:15 pm

On February 27, the Russian president Vladimir Putin gave the order, live on television, to his Minister of Defense, Sergey Shoiguand to the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Valerij Gerasimov, to put the country’s deterrence forces in a state of “maximum alert”. These also include the Moscow nuclear triad, made up of intercontinental ballistic missiles (Ibcm), long-range bombers and atomic missile submarines. The announcement, which came during the first phase of the Russian offensive in Ukraine, brought the world back into the nightmare of nuclear war. On the same day, in Belarus, a popular referendum lifted the country’s ban on hosting nuclear weapons, effectively opening the door to further Russian deployments in Minsk.

Moreover, a few days earlier, Russian troops had gained control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Other Ukrainian power plants, then, were hit by Russian artillery, sparking concerns across Europe for a possible environmental disaster of unimaginable proportions.

All this will be discussed at the live talk “Nuclear war. Possible scenario? ”, Organized by Airpress, Tuesday 8 March at 12:15. Federica From the Archesenior research associate al Vienna center for disarmament and non-proliferation, e Andrea Gillisenior researcher at NATO Defense college will talk about it with Flavia Jacobdirector of the magazines Airpress and Formiche.

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