Nuri Soler leaves skating after 30 years at CPA Girona

by time news

2023-04-28 06:31:34

Nuri Solerhistorical coach and choreographer of the CPA Girona, leaves skating in September, at the end of this season. She announced it yesterday after 30 years at the club, where she arrived as a skater at the age of 10 and will leave as one of the most prestigious names in this sport, especially in show groups. With Soler the CPA Girona has made a leap in quality that has made it one of the most prestigious clubs in the world. The bronze at the 2015 Spanish Championship it was the start of a shower of titles and recognitions that culminated in the World Cup 2019 (Bacterium) and which also include a European, three Spanish championships and two Catalan titles. The farewell will take effect in September, after the world championship in Colombia where the album of this 2023, Deixa’m viure, which has already triumphed in the Catalan and the state, will seek to be crowned on top of everything (and before he will also have tried to do it in the European).

With the departure of Nuri Soler CPA Girona announces an internal restructuring with the intention of continuing to “strengthen” the club, but for the moment the name of who will take over has not been announced. “I will never be able to thank enough for everything that this sport and this club has given me, but I think the time has come to make a change and enter into other work projects focused on the world of education”, said Soler yesterday , that despite having a clear decision “despite the fact that I now want a change, I am not closing the doors to returning to skating in the future”.

Beyond the titles and the record, and the revolution he represented for the CPA Gironayou should see the figure of Nuri Soler as a real living history of the club. She arrived there in 1992 when she was ten years old as a skater, at 16 she became a coach and at only 24 she became the organization’s top exponent. As coordinator, she experienced the split of Girona CH skating and was a participant in the foundation of CPA Girona, which today is one of the most prestigious teams in the world. Beyond the technical direction, Soler has achieved great success as a coach and choreographer of the group of CPA Girona big show. With an extensive record, it stands out the participation in six world championships collecting a medal in each of them: two bronzes, three silvers and the gold, in 2019, in a dream season with the Bacterium choreography.

“I feel lucky to have been able to present shows with thousands of spectators in places like Fontajau and the Palau Sant Jordi (where the Roller Games in 2019 that his team signed up), and seeing people enjoy what I’ve built gives me a lot of satisfaction”, he explains. In fact, he assures that it is in skating where he has made his best friendships, and where he has learned to fight, sweat and suffer to reach a goal. For her, “the club is family, the Palau pavilion a second home and skating a passion”.

When giving thanks, Nuri Soler does not forget anyone: “I thank the families, the skaters, the members of the boards who have accompanied me throughout this stage and the current one president, Ángela Garcia. Also to Marta Ginès, former president of this club, with whom we created and grew CPA Girona». He also highlighted his collaborators: Júlia Vallverdú, Judit Esquinas, Dèlia Valentí (current coach) and Íngrid Roca. And other key members of the club such as Laura Sabrià, Míriam Clua, Glòria Busquets and Tati Romero.

#Nuri #Soler #leaves #skating #years #CPA #Girona

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