NVIDIA RTX 4070 laptop GPU delivers 2x performance per watt at 35W

by time news

NVIDIA shared about the best power consumption of notebook GPUs. It mentioned that the more power given to the GPU, the higher the clock and power consumption performance will be, but the final power consumption (clock) reaches a certain upper limit. It cannot be increased any more.

In this process, two interesting points can be discussed, the first is the maximum efficiency point (the highest performance per watt) and the maximum absolute performance point. Take the RTX 4070 notebook GPU as an example, it can get 2x performance per watt at 35W, and when the wattage reaches 115W to get the maximum performance, the overflow is relatively small.

Players can check the power specifications of the notebook GPU through the system information of NVIDIA control. For example, the RTX 3080 Ti notebook GPU in my hand has a maximum power consumption of 175W and a BOOST clock of 1590 MHz, which is not supported. Advanced Optimus dynamic DDS switching function.

source: nvidia.com/

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