NVIDIA to give a keynote at SIGGRAPH on August 8, Jensen Huang promises it will be “powerful”

by time news

2023-06-30 15:00:00

The annual SIGGRAPH meeting is going to take place from August 6 to 10, and considering that it focuses on computer graphics NVIDIA is not going to miss the event. The company has announced that its conference will take place on August 8 at 8:00 am PDT. It is usually a time when NVIDIA gives details of graphics architectures or new products related to data centers, and I don’t remember if it has ever introduced new consumer graphics cards.

Be that as it may, the company has indicated on Twitter that Jensen Huang, its executive director, will be on stage to talk about the “investigation, advances in OpenUSD (universal rendering of scenes), and AI-supported solutions for content creation.” There will be various NVIDIA presentations throughout the SIGGRAPHbecause in a one-hour conference there is not enough for everything.


#NVIDIA #give #keynote #SIGGRAPH #August #Jensen #Huang #promises #powerful

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