Oaxaca Telesecundaria does not let a student take classes for wearing pants and not a skirt

by time news

Paola, student of the Oaxac Telesecundariato “José Vasconcelos”, she has not been able to take classes because she wears her pants and not her skirt of the school uniform.

In an interview for Adela Micha, Paola’s mother, Paula Herández, denounced that her daughter, who is in her first year at the Telesecundaria located in the municipality of Villa de Tututepec, andYou are being discriminated against because of the way you dress.

Despite the fact that they have filed an amparo before the Human Rights Ombudsman of Oaxaca that orders that they be given the right to education, lThe school has preferred to completely suspend classes until Paola shows up in a skirt.

Mother of a Telesecundaria student denounces discrimination in Telesecundaria de Oaxaca

Paula HernandezPaola’s mother, a first-year student at the “José Vasconcelos” Telesecundaria, shared that her daughter has always felt more comfortable wearing clothes that are stereotypically related to men.

In addition, He narrated that it was difficult for him to accept that Paola was not interested in dressing in “girl’s clothes”, such as skirts and dresses; however, has decided to support his daughter so that she can live as she prefers.

“Since preschool she already wanted to dress like this. I dressed her a lot in skirts, dresses, because it is an illusion of one as a mother when having a girl but there came a time when that no longer worked for her and the time came when I realized as a mother that I was doing plus a damage I to her by forcing her “

Paula Hernandez, Paola’s mother

Therefore, when you enroll in the Oaxaca Telesecundariainformed the management that her daughter, as a student at that institution, preferred to wear the uniform for children.

At that time even he was granted the school uniform he requested without much problem pBut days later, the problems started.

According to the student’s mother, the director of the Oaxaca Telesecundaria told her that she gaveHe had to present himself with the skirt and not with pants In order to continue entering the campus, this is at the request of the parents.

Then, was denied entry to the school and enrollment on January 6for which Paola’s mother started a legal fight so that they would not deny her rights to the minor.

“We met with the director of the campus, Professor Sara, to whom we gave the corresponding documentation for her registration, at that moment we made the comment that our daughter did not wear feminine clothing, to which the director told me that there was no problem. With that, she provided me with the children’s uniform… The problem arose on Tuesday when she called me and told me that it was no longer going to be possible for my daughter to appear in that uniform because the School Technical Council and the Parents’ Committee de Familia did not agree”

Paula Hernandez, Paola’s mother

Parents do not let Paola study at Telesecundaria de Oaxaca, colleagues support her

On the other hand, Paula shared that The problem is with the parents and not with the students.because Paola’s classmates in the Oaxaca Telesecundaria they support it.

According to the mother of this student, “the problem is the adults”, because the adolescents your daughter lives with have no problem with her attending classes.

“I look at her very calm because she lives very well with her classmates, she interacts very well with the students at the school. Outside of school here in the community the children show a very good acceptance of her towards her, the problem here is the adults. She is receiving a lot of support from her classmates.”

Paula Hernandez, Paola’s mother

Although they have not been able to go to school since Tuesday March 13 because classes were suspended by the authoritiesOutside of school, Paola receives all the support from her classmates.

Paula has had to fight so that Paola can enter to take her classes, because she does not accept the discrimination of which she has been a victim.

Although the amparo was resolved in his favor, Parents have preferred to suspend classes generally in the Telesecundaria de Oaxaca, before allowing the right to education to Paula, just for wearing pants instead of a skirt.

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