Obama, the mega party for 60 years. Shimmering Nelson Mandela style dress

by time news

Obama, the mega party for 60 years. Shimmering Mandela-style dress

Barack Obama he wanted to celebrate his 60th birthday in silence, but something went wrong and the photos of the former US president dressed in Nelson Mandela style, with a shimmering jacket, went around the world. The images of the mega party with 500 guests – read the Corriere della Sera – were published on social media, despite the total ban on taking, filming and posting any content, by rapper Trap Beckham and his manager TJ Chapman. In the photos you can see Obama wiggling in a suit that closely resembles Nelson Mandela’s style and it’s just a pity that most of the content has now been deleted. As the rapper said, “No one had ever seen Obama like this”.

Nothing David Axelrod or David Letterman, but inside Beyoncè and Jay-Z. And luckily it was supposed to be a party for a few close friends. As reported by Corriere della Sera, several celebrities and movie stars were present for Barack Obama’s 60th birthday party scheduled at Matha’s Vineyard, but not some of the former president’s historical collaborators.

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