by time news

2023-11-22 15:44:48


November 22, 2023

In the Government, out of 27 ministers, there are 7 women out of 20 men (i.e. 26% women).

In the National Assembly, out of 98 Deputies, there are 25 women and 73 men (i.e. 25% women).

In the Senate, out of 70 Senators, there are 14 women and 56 men (i.e. 20% women).

At the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), out of 60 appointed Advisors, there are 10 women and 50 men (i.e. 16.66% women).

Paragraph 24 of the CONSTITUTION OF THE GABONESE REPUBLIC provides that ‘The State promotes equal access for women and men to electoral mandates as well as political and professional responsibilities.’

What I think

This provision must be reformulated and adapted to Law No. 9/2016 of September 5, 2016 setting the quotas for access of women (30%) and young people (20%) to elections and that of women to senior positions in the State.

The CTRI should not make its appointments as if there were no provisions on gendered participation.

Should we recall that Gabon has signed international conventions on the elimination of discrimination against women, made several commitments, and made declarations relating to the participation of women in political and decision-making life? …!

THE CTRI should not be involved in sorting. We are in Transition and not in Transexclusion.

We must move forward, not backward.



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