Oh, by the way… – The Scots with the Pope

by time news

2023-12-03 13:25:31

Special milk from home
Or not, because Francis doesn’t seem to be results-oriented, otherwise he wouldn’t have greeted the team with the words “Whether we won or not, it doesn’t matter.” Everyone fights to win, but victory is not the goal, victory lies in playing together” tried to console him when he found out about the defeat. The values ​​of the Celtic club, which was founded to alleviate poverty in Glasgow’s East End by raising money for the charity Poor Children’s Dinner Table, are probably more important to him. Hence his critical comment that football is “being increasingly governed by economic interests”. It remains questionable whether the men around Captain Callum McGregor liked the papal warning that the Caledonians should only drink a little of the “special milk of their homeland” (single malt and the like), but polite and cheerful as Scots are, they did Don’t miss the opportunity to present the Bishop of Rome with a green and white Celtic shirt with “Francis” printed on the back. So it was a pretty harmonious audience.

#way.. #Scots #Pope

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