Old age: the text “aging well” soon to return to the Assembly

by time news

2023-09-13 18:53:37

Published on September 13, 2023 at 6:50 p.m. Updated on September 13, 2023 at 6:53 p.m.

Old age once again on the agenda of the Assembly. The new Minister of Solidarity, Aurore Bergé, announced this Wednesday that the presidential majority’s bill “Aging well” would be on the agenda of the National Assembly on November 20.

The text was postponed sine die in July, after its examination was first stopped in April due to a parliamentary recess. “I hope that the parliamentary work will further enrich this text and that it will be adopted, as widely as possible I hope, by the end of the year,” declared the guest minister of the National Conference of Ehpad in Paris.

Adaptation to aging

The bill plans in particular to facilitate the identification of isolated elderly people, by authorizing the exchange of data between town halls and social and health services. The text also creates a system to better report cases of mistreatment, or even a professional card for home help, supposed to “facilitate their daily work”.

However, it is regularly criticized by opposition parties who denounce an “empty shell”, far from the hopes of a “major law” dedicated to old age which is regularly requested. “Not a word on the old age law, even though it was unanimously wanted by the deputies…”, immediately reacted on X Jérôme Guedj, PS deputy for Essonne. “Questions of financing and governance remain unanswered,” adds Arnaud Robinet, president of the French Hospital Federation.

The executive defends several enrichments. The bill “has been considerably enriched”, underlined this Wednesday, Annie Vidal, Renaissance co-rapporteur of the PPL, present at the Assises des Ehpad. “We adopted a fifth of the proposed amendments and adopted amendments from all benches.”

Adaptation to aging

The “interministerial and multi-annual roadmap to accelerate the preparation of society for its aging”, promised by Jean-Christophe Combe, Aurore Bergé’s predecessor, will also finally be presented in October, indicated the minister.

For the majority, the stakes are high: those over 60, who currently represent 17 million people, will be 27 million in 2050. And nursing homes are subject to numerous difficulties. Falling occupancy rates, care packages that evolve less quickly than inflation, colossal real estate investments to come but also increasingly rare personal ones…

To deal with the crisis, the government announced at the end of July that it would urgently release 100 million euros. A patch for players in the sector who are calling for a rethink of the economic model of nursing homes.

Salary revaluation

To try to reverse the dynamic, Aurore Bergé assured that the increase in the salaries of caregivers and nurses, announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne for night and weekend work in hospitals, would be extended to nursing homes. public hospitals.

Another strategy, relating to the fight against mistreatment, will be launched “in November”, almost two years after the Orpea scandal, financial embezzlement and mistreatment inflicted on residents and employees of the retirement home giant revealed in a book, “The Gravediggers”.

With AFP

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