OM: the club’s board of directors announces its withdrawal

by time news

2023-09-19 22:57:52

The press release was awaited by all the people of Marseille. At the end of an endless and eventful day, particularly on social networks where Provençal supporters made their numerous comments regarding the current situation of their club, OM published a press release this Tuesday evening.

Six paragraphs long summarizing the intact desire of the board “to establish operating standards worthy of a high-level European club, and to build a team capable of competing at the highest level”, the document concludes with a cryptic formula on the immediate future of management, singled out last night during the stormy meeting with the leaders of the supporter groups.

“Following a meeting held on Monday September 18, 2023 at the Robert Louis-Dreyfus Training Center, representatives of the supporters’ associations expressed their wish to see the current OM management board resign. The threat of a “war” (sic) against them was issued, as long as they did not resign, it is written in particular. The OM board cannot accept personal threats. Its members cannot tolerate individual attacks and any form of unfounded public defamation. A relationship based on intimidation cannot guarantee the minimum acceptable conditions so that the club’s board can continue to invest in the transformation of OM. »

The last sentence turns out to be full of meaning and actually reflects the withdrawal of the Marseille board, which is confirmed to us by an internal source. Nothing is mentioned about the future of the Spanish technician Marcelino, while OM must fly to Amsterdam on Wednesday morning, in total uncertainty… The four managers named previously will not be on the trip.

#clubs #board #directors #announces #withdrawal

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