Omicron, why is it more contagious? Science has found the answer

by time news

Omicron, why is it more contagious? It lasts longer than the other variants on leather and plastic

The variante Omicron has brought back the problem of infections from Covid-19 all over the world. The number of cases has risen significantly, so much so that in Italy thevaccination obligation for the over 50. This particular variant of Coronavirus it seems less aggressive than the previous ones, with mostly mild symptoms in most of the infected, but much more contagious. It is this second characteristic in particular that worries experts, even if today it seems that the infection curve is going down and we speak of a Super Green Pass with no expiry date for those who made the third dose from Covid vaccine.

Omicron, why is it more contagious? It resists more than others on surfaces

A study conducted by researchers of the Kyoto Prefectural university of medicine and published in the journal bioRxiv investigated why the variante Omicron it is more contagious and the reason seems to survive longer on plastic and skin than other strains of Coronavirus. In particular, the most widespread mutation today can resist 21 hours on the skin and 8 days on the plastic, or three times more than Sars-CoV-2 original. There variante Omicron would also be more resistant toethanol, commonly used in sanitizers, but is still eliminated from the balls with an exposure of 15 to 35% alcohol. This means that to reduce the possibility of contagion, hands should always be washed and a disinfectant with appropriate ethanol concentrations (> 52 w / w% or> 60 v / v%) should be used whenever possible.

Read also:

“Omicron is ceasing to vary.” Study of the Altamedica Institute

Covid, Gismondo: “Half of the infections due to Speranza, ridiculous measures”

From the green pass to digital identity

Vaccines and infections, The Lancet: “no difference”

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