Omikron variant corona causes less long-term complaints than predecessor | Coronavirus

by time news

One in ten people who have become infected with the omikron variant of the corona virus still have complaints after three months. That share is almost twice as low as after an infection with the delta variant of the virus.

RIVM reports this on Thursday based on the LongCOVID study. People with post-covid syndrome suffer from complaints such as fatigue, shortness of breath, brain fog, memory problems and difficulty with busy environments for a longer period of time.

Such complaints also occurred after three months among people who contracted the omikron variant of the virus. However, that happened less often.

The RIVM points out that omikron is more contagious than delta. That has ensured that more people have become ill from that variant.

“As a result, the total number of people with long-term complaints after an infection with omikron, despite the milder course, may still be greater,” says the institute. That is why, according to RIVM, post-covid syndrome remains “a common and far-reaching condition in the population”.

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