On the climate, a one-step agreement between the US, China and the EU

by time news

Time.news – La China and the US agree on the latest draft of the final declaration, even if Beijing asks for “small changes”, the EU has begged delegates to approve it and Australia has accepted it. The COP26 summit seems to be moving towards an agreement despite some unresolved problems.

First of all, that relating to aid to poor countries and that concerning the use of fossil fuels. Pressures from China, India and South Africa to avoid the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies and the use of coal marked the concluding plenary underway in Glasgow.

“I think this negotiation is good,” said US climate envoy John Kerry, addressing the delegates. “We have a good, strong statement,” added Kerry, noting that “it’s a very important step forward, which goes in the right direction.”

“I therefore hope that this text is ratified, that we accept it”, he continued. The text (of the draft of the final declaration, ed) it’s not perfect yet, but we don’t intend to discuss it again “Chinese negotiator Zhao Yingmin at COP26 in Glasgow said, adding that only minor changes are needed.

I implore you: accept this text, do not kill this moment “was instead the heartfelt appeal made by the vice president of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans.” I wonder if there is a risk of stumbling a couple of meters before the finish line, “added the EU negotiator.

India for its part defended the “right” of developing countries to emit greenhouse gases highlighting that they cannot be asked to give up coal and hydrocarbons.

Developing countries like India, the environment minister said, want to have their “fair share of the global budget” of carbon dioxide and continue their “responsible use” of fossil fuels.

And in front of the nearly 200 delegates gathered for 14 days to find an agreement that accelerates the fight against climate change, he said that the latter is “caused by the unsustainable lifestyles and wasteful consumption patterns” of rich countries.

“In this context, how can developing countries be expected to make the promise to eliminate subsidies to coal and fossil fuels?” He noted, evoking the possibility that “the consensus remains illusory”.

The president of the conference, Alok Sharma, appealed to the delegates to accept the draft of the statement released today observing that it is “balanced” and that it is a step forward “for all”.

“Everyone was able to express themselves and I hope my colleagues will appreciate what was put on the table,” said Sharma.

“My intention is that we close the COP this afternoon,” added Sharma in a firm tone and noting that “this is the moment of truth for the planet”.

In a tweet, activist Greta Thunberg instead stated that with a communication operation an attempt will be made to present the closure of COP26 as “good”, a summit in which “progress” has been made and a “step in the right direction”.


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