On the eve of Might 24, President Rumen Radev will go to the Vatican and the Italian Republic – 2024-05-23 07:34:42

by times news cr

2024-05-23 07:34:42

President Rumen Radev will go to the Vatican and the Italian Republic as we speak and tomorrow, the press workplace of the president introduced.

The top of state will lead the Bulgarian delegation, which is historically obtained at an viewers by the pinnacle of the Roman Catholic Church on the event of the Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, training and tradition, and of Slavic literature – Might 24.

At this time, the pinnacle of state will take part within the opening of an workplace in Rome of the European Public Legislation Group (EPLO), in addition to within the presentation of the exhibition “Athens in drawings and images” on the Pontifical Lateran College within the Italian capital.

On Might 23, the president and the Bulgarian delegation will obtain an viewers with His Holiness Pope Francis. A gathering of the Bulgarian President with the State Secretary of the Vatican Cardinal Pietro Parolin can also be scheduled within the Vatican.

Later, within the Basilica of San Clemente, the place the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius served for the primary time within the Slavic language, the pinnacle of state will attend the Divine Liturgy celebrated on the central altar of the basilica by His Eminence Western and Central European Metropolitan Anthony. The president may also go to the “Santa Maria Maggiore” basilica, the place within the ninth century Pope Adrian II blessed the Bulgarian alphabet, the press workplace knowledgeable.

Throughout the framework of the go to, President Rumen Radev is predicted to pay his respects in entrance of the monuments of Ivan Vazov and Captain Petko Voivoda in Rome.

The Bulgarian delegation for the go to to Rome and the Vatican contains representatives of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, of the Catholic faith in Bulgaria, representatives of state establishments and public figures. The top of state might be accompanied by his spouse Desislava Radeva.

Yearly, an official Bulgarian delegation visits Italy and the Vatican for the standard celebrations on the event of Might 24, in response to data from the “Reference” division of BTA. On the conventional viewers on the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Bulgaria’s function in preserving and creating the work of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, introduced on December 31, 1980 by the Holy See as co-patrons of Europe along with St. Benedict of Nursia, was famous.

The primary celebration of Might 24 by a Bulgarian delegation with a pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Constantine Cyril the Thinker within the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome and an viewers with the Pope within the Vatican was in 1968 throughout the hold forth of Pope Paul VI (1963-1978) The brand new coverage of the Holy See in direction of the Orthodox church buildings, formulated on the Second Vatican Council (October 11, 1962-December 8, 1965), made it attainable to begin the custom of a Bulgarian delegation visiting the Vatican on Might 24.

Till 1976, the laying of wreaths on the grave of St. Cyril within the Basilica “San Clemente” was assigned to workers of the Bulgarian embassy. From 1977, particular delegations set out – the primary was headed by the linguist Academician Vladimir Georgiev, adopted by the names of lecturers – from Petar Dinekov and Georgi Bliznakov to Nikolay Todorov and Blagovest Sendov.Since 1990, the delegations have been led by ministers and politicians, with the extent rising increasingly – in 1997, the vice chairman of Bulgaria Todor Kavaldzhiev was there.

Since 2003, representatives of Bulgarian establishments have been visiting Rome on a rotational foundation. The Bulgarian delegations for Might 24 are led as soon as by the President, as soon as by the Prime Minister, as soon as by the Speaker of the Nationwide Meeting. The yr through which a Bulgarian delegation doesn’t go to Rome and the Vatican is 2020. The go to of President Rumen Radev has been postponed because of the state of affairs in Italy brought on by COVID-19, in response to a report from the “Reference” division of BTA.

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