On the way to the green revolution – the “Battery Belt” is Biden’s boldest future project

by time news

US President Joe Biden in an electric car

Since Biden took office, more than 54 billion US dollars have flowed into new battery projects.

(Photo: IMAGO/ZUMA Wire)

New York, Washington It was a home game for US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm when she visited Michigan last week. The state is the center of the US auto industry, and Granholm used to rule it as governor.

After the 2008 financial crash, she was the one who picked up the phone and asked Barack Obama for help. The US President at the time finally saved the car giants from bankruptcy with guarantees.

Now, as a minister in Joe Biden’s cabinet, Granholm can spread new hope. “We’re bringing production back, and that’s how we conquer the future,” said Granholm in the capital, Detroit.

Euphoric performances like this are becoming more and more common. Every few weeks, political celebrities from Washington open a battery factory, test new e-models or visit e-car factories. Where heavy industry once atrophied in the USA’s “Rust Belt”, the foothills of a “Battery Belt” revitalize entire regions.

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