Oncology, Lazio remains among the worst regions for prevention and treatment

by time news

Professor Cognetti of Foce has expressed concern about the inadequate investment in research centers, urging citizens to make more visits and undergo regular check-ups.

Professor Cognetti’s (Foce) ⁢complaint: “We must invest in research centers, citizens‌ must make more visits and‍ check-ups.”

The Lazio region ranks among ‌the worst in Italy in terms of oncology prevention. Additionally, the care network and research ⁤infrastructure require‍ significant improvement. Data from the National Screening Observatory website indicate that Lazio has the lowest participation rate⁢ in cancer screening campaigns among all regions. While there has been some improvement after‍ the pandemic, membership rates remain low, and ‍disparities between regions remain pronounced.

As for ⁣colorectal⁣ screening, only 18%⁤ of the population undergoes the recommended tests. The percentage for​ cervical cancer screening⁤ is slightly better at 27%, while for breast cancer it reaches 41%, still falling far short of the European Union target of‍ 90% by 2025. Lazio ranks 19th out of 21 regions in ⁤terms of colorectal screening and 17th for breast cancer screening.

Cognetti argues that the current model of the oncology network in Lazio is flawed and calls for a hub-and-spoke model, where specialized cancer care is concentrated in referral centers and supported by a network of smaller facilities. He​ criticizes the lack of progress in cancer care despite two years of new management in the ‌region.

Another area of concern is research. While Lazio has nine IRCCS (research institutes),⁢ only three are public. Cognetti believes that the public institutes are underperforming compared to ⁢private ones. He cites data suggesting that the Regina Elena ⁢IRCCS‍ in Rome ⁣lags behind other⁢ major cancer⁤ centers in terms of publications, impact factor,‌ and⁤ funding.

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