Online help for parents with addiction problems

by time news

With the arrival of the new website, can now also be easily consulted on a smartphone. In 2008, when the first version of the site was launched, they were barely in circulation. Fourteen years later, that’s different. To keep up-to-date, the Trimbos Institute has collaborated with (care) professionals and parents. As a result, the online help for this target group is even better geared to the problems they are dealing with.

Attention to addiction problems

In addition to a new look-and-feel, the content of the website has also been modernized. For example, there is now more attention for questions and concerns from partners. Think of tips for partners on how they can help their other half or how to deal with reactions from their environment. The aim of the new site is to empower and encourage parents to look at what they have influence on, Trimbos writes.

Another special change has been made. This was inspired by parents who contributed to the renewal of KopOpouders. They indicated that the attention given on the old site to the possible harmful consequences of parents with addictions or psychological problems came across as accusatory and frightening to them. That is why that subject is mentioned less prominently in the new site.

Online help and courses

Parents and their partners who are struggling with psychological or addiction problems can therefore go to the updated KopOpOuders site of the Trimbos Institute for online help and support. In addition, KopOpOuders also offers free online courses and, for parents or partners who need it, the option to receive support via anonymous e-mail contact.

The free group courses consist of 8 sessions of one and a half hours. Participants receive information, tips and exercises about how parents, also with psychological or addiction problems, can be good parents for their child. Partners can also sign up for these courses. Three new online group courses will start in the coming period; Thursday, June 23 at 9 a.m., Monday, July 4 at 7 p.m. and Monday, August 22 at 7:30 p.m.

If you prefer not to participate in a group course, you can also opt for the online self-help course. This consists of five online modules. These consist of films and animations about parenting, short home exercises and parenting tips. There are also three accompanying moments. These can take place online, by telephone or by e-mail.

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