Only between 1 and 3% of serious damage and deaths from vaccines (and drugs in general) are reported.

by time news

2024-01-05 14:15:50

A few days ago Spanish television Four He invited me to participate in his program Four a Day. Las Covid vaccines are being thrown away because they either expire or are no longer useful for the current circulating strains of the coronavirus.

I took advantage of the little time I had available to, among other things, cite some official data on deaths reported by these vaccines. For example, the 500! deaths recognized by the Spanish Medicines Agency… a year ago!

My intervention in Cuatro al Día.

I pointed out that although the data may seem chilling, the matter is really much worse because in Spain (and in almost all countries) there is UNDERNOTIFICATION of drug damageand specifically those produced by vaccines.

That is, laboratories, health professionals and the general population almost never warn health authorities of a possible damage caused by a medical product.

We are not going to go into the reasons now. To document my statements in this regard, I have been relying for years on the statements of the Medicines Agency staff which says that side effects are very under-reported and in that only between 2% and 20% of drug injuries are reported(by the way that study is no longer online) depending on the countries (in most cases they do not reach 5%).

I recently learned that, according to a study by the Harvard University, Only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reportedso the real number of affected people may be much higher.

Furthermore, in Spain and with respect to the influenza A vaccine A study was carried out in Castilla y León that concluded that there is only one notification for every 322 cases of mild adverse effects and one report for every 32 cases of serious ones. I mean, 3-odd percent in the case of deaths and serious injuries.

And this is the panorama. This under-reporting prevents us from knowing with certainty how many people die as a result of taking a certain drug or how many deaths are caused by the drug. iatrogenia (damage caused by health systems) per year.

If you suffer damage Contact us to analyze your case.

#damage #deaths #vaccines #drugs #general #reported

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