Opinion on Sporting and Oviedo: Optimism, magic and LSD

by time news

So, except for a magical resurgence, which has been ruled out for a long time in some little heads, LSD will have to be distributed among the long-suffering rojiblancas troops so that they have the sensation of being on top and not getting closer to the well, and to make it obvious that the The team –with or without MAR, with or without Pitu– beats almost no one.

So it’s time to cross your fingers so that on Saturday Sporting offer their best version, and if that’s not possible, Tenerife take pity, which is going to be no. Another slip, although those below continue adding at a Caribbean rate, would lead to decreeing the state of emergency and more than ever the sticks would fly in all directions, including towards the model, that Gijón and his people were absent when it was time to distribute the matter of patience.

And to all these, meeting in Las Rozas with the honest Rubiales for the theme of the 2030 World Cup, to which more and more candidates are coming out. Be careful, that the 40-100-300 operation can collide with the financial doping of the Arabs. Nothing new under the sun, ya hear, dude?

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