Ortega Smith affirms that the “majority” of Vox owes “a debt” to Espinosa and “some have failed to recognize it”

by time news

2023-08-08 10:57:06

The members of Vox Javier Ortega Smith and Víctor Sánchez del Real have shown their support for Iván Espinosa de los Monteros on Tuesday when his decision to leave his position in the party and leave his seat after the distance with the leadership of Abascal has been known. The vice-president of the party has regretted the resignation “and much more the reasons that provoke it”, while Sánchez del Real -former deputy of the formation, who belongs to the so-called ‘liberal sector’ of the party- has said that he will always be with Espinosa “wherever , whatever it takes, whatever it takes again.” The one who was parliamentary spokesman during the last legislature has said in an appearance that his resignation is due to “personal reasons”.

Iván Espinosa de los Monteros leaves Vox and politics after distancing himself from Abascal’s leadership


Ortega Smith has described the former leader of Vox as a “partner and friend” and has praised his fight “without rest” with “loyalty, generosity and sacrifice.” “Although some have not been able to admit it to you, the vast majority have an unpayable debt of patriotism with you. We will continue fighting for the same principles and values ​​for which together we launched this project at the service of Spain and freedom”.

Sánchez del Real, a former deputy from the extreme right who did not repeat on the 23J lists (he was replaced by one of Santiago Abascal’s main advisers), recalled that he entered the party through Espinosa de los Monteros: “You always supported me, you understood , you guided. And it has always been an honor to break the gap by your side. With the complicity of those who don’t even have to talk to move forward together. Faced with so many who did not believe and left or came giving lessons when “we were already on TV”. Therefore, with you, always. Anywhere. One way or the other. Whatever it takes again.”

The ex-deputy of the extreme right Macarena Olona has joined the public displays of support: “The silence that I have maintained for myself I will not maintain if the harassment is suffered by him. Because at the start everything is good words. Organized bullying comes later. Remember it when you are uncorking the bottle: 19”.

Olona refers with “19” to the deputies that the extreme right has lost in the general elections of July 23, going from 52 to 33 deputies. The core of Abascal has chosen not to publicly criticize these results. The electoral campaign has been led by the president of the party, who has led the most massive rallies, although Espinosa de los Monteros has also had his own agenda during the weeks leading up to the elections with small acts in different cities of the country. He was the party’s representative in the spokespersons’ debate organized by RTVE.

The party leader was the last to post a message to his former spokesperson. “Parliament loses a great spokesman (now, that they will no longer suffer you, they will recognize you more than before). But the party maintains a luxury affiliate that surely he still has a lot to contribute. With all that we have gone through together, I am convinced that the best is yet to come, and that you will participate very actively in it,” Abascal wrote.

The future of Espinosa de los Monteros in the parliamentary group was one of the unknowns that remained to be resolved after the electoral results. Finally, the economist has chosen to leave the front line of the formation due to his distancing from the current leadership of the party, where the most ultra-Catholic sector led by MEP Jorge Buxadé has been positioning itself in the circles closest to Abascal.

In an interview in Cope, Buxadé has praised Espinosa de los Monteros, whom he has referred to as “an extraordinary guy”, “a tireless worker” and “a great parliamentarian”. For the first vice president of the formation, the already former parliamentary spokesman for the extreme right continues to be the “present” and “future” of the political formation.

#Ortega #Smith #affirms #majority #Vox #owes #debt #Espinosa #failed #recognize

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