«Ouch serva Italia, hostel of pain …» Sordello’s invective read by Bonaiuto

by time news

For “Padua Law Dante”, promoted by Cepell, the actress Anna Bonaiuto interpreted verses from the three cantiche of the “Commedia”. The passages are introduced by the writers Marco Balzano and Alberto Rollo

Corriere Tv – reading / CorriereTv

Actress Anna Bonaiuto was the protagonist of the “Padua Law Dante” event which took place on 22 September 2021 in Piazza Eremitani in Padua: one of the initiatives of Città che legg Dante, the project promoted by the Center for the book and reading (Cepell) made with the Association of Italianists (Adi) and in collaboration with Taobuk-Taormina Book Festival, Colosseum Archaeological Park, Municipality of Reggio Calabria, Municipality of Padua, Municipality of Lecce, Ugo Da Como Foundation sponsored by the National Committee for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri. Bonaiuto proposed readings from the three canticles of the Divine Comedy: Canto XXI of theInferno, the verses that described the infernal Malebolgia; the Canto VI of Purgatory, with the meeting with Sordello and the invective against Italy; and Canto XI of Paradiso, with the homage that Thomas Aquinas pays to Francis of Assisi. After the institutional greetings of the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Padua Andrea Colasio in the evening there were introductory comments, by the writers Marco Balzano and Alberto Rollo, and the readings by Anna Bonaiuto, the latter interspersed with the notes of the cellist Ludovico Armellini . In this video, moments of reading and commenting are proposed.

March 24, 2022 – Updated March 24, 2022, 10:14 pm

© Time.News

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