“Our immune system has capabilities that no drug can ever match”

by time news

MAINTENANCE – Pr Olivier Michielin, oncologist in Lausanne, takes stock of the extraordinary benefits of immunotherapy on the occasion of the publication of a book intended for the general public.

It’s a word that may mean nothing to you at the moment but which will gradually impose itself in our lives. Immunotherapy – which means “heal with the immune system– is indeed revolutionizing the way cancer is treated. Around the world, laboratories are working on this innovative approach, which is already the technique of first choice for treating certain types of cancer.

In a newly published bookThe immunotherapy revolution», Ed. Favre), professors Olivier Michielin and George Coukos retrace this odyssey and offer the keys to understanding this complex subject. Professor Michielin, head of the melanoma and precision oncology clinic at the Center hospitalier universitaire vaudois (Lausanne, Switzerland) answered questions from the Figaro.

LE FIGARO. – Could you simply explain what immunotherapy consists of?

Mrs Olivier Michielin. – This is an extremely promising new approach in oncology…

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