Our Perennial reveals new details – Just before the premiere of Kompani Lauritzen: “Cold feet from the first second”

by time news

Now it is Vår Staude’s turn to join Kompani Lauritzen on TV 2, and she has been looking forward to it for a long time.
She has given us some hints along the way that things are about to happen. And now it is finally ready for the premiere for the popular TV 2 presenter.

Early in the year, she shared this status that she is company recruit 89 and ready for duty. Now we will finally soon see the result of how Vår Staude went.

She eases the veil a little just before the big final, and is really looking forward to it. In an update on the first episode, she writes the following:

– Kompani Lauritzen, day 1: What the hell are we doing here and why is everyone in green so mad at us?????Cold feet from the first second on most of the recruits. I think the TV viewers will have fun then and see that we strive hard to become a better version of ourselves. If you ask me, they’re all good as gold. We really just need a hug????premiere on Saturday. Received?

Here you see her standing ready.

And just before the premiere goes on air, he shares a new message with all his followers on Instagram.
This is what she has written in her own words:

– Company recruit 86 – not so extremely tall in that hat there…????What a lovely group I am with in this year’s season of Kompani Lauritzen!♥️ – and look how happy we were when we got to Voss and had no idea what was in wait????Tomorrow is the premiere on TV. I would watch.

Our Perennial has also posted two photos that you can see here, swipe left to see photo no. 2.

“Kompani Lauritzen” premieres on TV 2 on Saturday 2 March at 8 p.m. You can also watch the program here on TV 2 Play. Are you going to watch this show? Who do you think will win this year?

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