Outrage on Social Media as Restaurant in Medellín Charges 160,000 Pesos for an Arepa Gratin

by time news

2024-05-10 04:28:56

There was a wave of criticism and anger on social networks this week because of the case of a clientThey charged 160,000 pesos for an arepa gratin in a restaurant in Medellín. Since the establishment, they pointed out that the prices of the products are published on the menu, that is, in advance, people know what they cost.

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In the client’s bill that was spread on networks, you can also see exorbitant prices for other dishes, such as 90,000 pesos for a shot of whiskey cream and more than 140,000 pesos for some chicken fingers. In total, the account reached close to 6 million pesos, a figure that many Internet users considered “absurd” and “strange”. also insisting that “even the best restaurants don’t charge like that.”

According to the regional newspaper El Colombiano, Alejandro Cristalino, administrator in charge of the Hookah restaurant, located in Parque Lleras, said that “there was no kind of deception”, since “the prices have been duly informed” in the menu.

“I know the product they sell and it is a completely transparent product. Why transparent? Because that’s in the menu, it’s valuable, it’s all there. In other words, it was the client’s decision, let’s start it, order it, try it and buy it.”Cristalino said.

According to that regional media, Cristalino explained that the 160,000 peso arepa is a dish that is enough for two or three people, due to the quantity and quality of its ingredients.

At the end, The user who first reported this fact on social networks deleted the publication hours later and did not want to refer to the issue officially. However, the comment went viral, to the point that Internet users compared the situation to similar cases that happened in Cartagena and Santa Marta.

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