Pakistan Bus Crash: 22 killed in bus crash – including child! – pakistan bus crashes into ravine in countrys southwest killing 22

by time news
In Pakistan, 22 people were tragically killed when a passenger bus overturned in a valley.

A bus was carrying passengers to the mountainous province of Balochistan in neighboring Pakistan. While the van was traveling on the Job National Highway, the driver suddenly lost control. Then, the bus overturned in a ditch about hundreds of feet from the top of the hill near the Killa Saifullah area.

Twenty-two people, including women and children, were killed on the spot in the accident. And some are said to have been injured. They are being treated at a nearby hospital.
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It is feared that the death toll could rise further as the condition of many of them is worrying. Police have registered a case and are investigating the incident. This gruesome accident has caused great tragedy in the region.

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