Palestinian territory organizes independently: “PA has lost its legitimacy”

by time news

IDF activity in the Jenin area in recent times and in recent years in general, has led to a gathering of local militants for joint and organized activities. On the launch of a new division in Nablus, when an official announcement to form the group has not yet been issued.

In an interview with the Quds network, Arab sari, commentator and analyst, said that these local organizations were a response to the severe blow suffered by Palestinian organizations after Operation Defensive Shield and the Palestinian split in the Gaza Strip in 2007.

He further said that the Palestinian organizations are trying to rebuild themselves and create a military organizational structure that exists today in Jenin and Nablus. In videos circulated on social media from recent clashes against the army in Nablus, the gunmen said they considered themselves “the little boys of the Jenin Brigade.”

Arabi added in an interview with the network that one of the other reasons for organizing from the field is the weakness of the Palestinian Authority and its declining popularity. “These organizations are organizations that cannot adapt in the long term to all the circumstances of the activity in the occupied West Bank. It needs more orderly security structures than what exists today.”

‘Abd al-Jawad Omar, a lecturer at Bir Zeit University near Ramallah, said that “the ideological weakness of the Palestinian Authority has led to the establishment of local divisions in the occupied north of the West Bank. This phenomenon could not exist without the PA losing its legitimacy in general To build a vision for the future that we can live in as a society. ” He added that “the Palestinian Authority can also not preserve the status quo and therefore the settlements are expanding in the face of the inaction of the Palestinian Authority.”

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