PAN members ask Info CDMX to open information on contaminated water

by times news cr

2024-05-13 06:51:58

Given the opacity and insensitivity of the capital government, It is time for the Transparency, Access to Public Information, Protection of Personal Data and Accountability Institute of Mexico City (Info CDMX) intervene and remove the reserve to find out the causes of the contaminated water in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office, deputies of the PAN.

After knowing the determination of the Mexico City Water System (Sacmex) to close for three years the information on the origin and causes of contamination of the natural resource with chemical products in eight colonies of that demarcation, the autonomous body must assume its role as a counterweight to power.

Deputy Raul Torres He said that the Government of Martí Batres once again falls into omission and opacity by reserving the results of the analyzes carried out on the contaminated water for three years.

“We are asking the Info CDMX intervene and issue the corresponding observations to the government of Marti Batres To reverse this occurrence, the neighbors are concerned about knowing what type of substances they were living with,” he commented.

He stated that hiding information is corruption and to this day, it has not been possible to truly report what chemicals were mixed with the water that the Morena Government in Mexico City offered to BJ’s homes.

The PAN coordinator, Federico Döringwarned that all legal and parliamentary options at hand will be executed to reverse this decision that is not only political so as not to affect the former mayor of Iztapalapa, but is a public health issue.

“They were very difficult weeks for our neighbors in Benito Juárez, who had to buy water in pipes at high costs, the Ministry of Health brigades were not enough to meet the demands,” he said.

Döring said that the capital’s Prosecutor’s Office has also been unable to offer clear information to the local Congress about what really happened in the Alfonso .

Representative Luisa Gutiérrez Ureña, president of the Comprehensive Water Management Commission, demanded that the director of Sacmex, Rafael Carmona, not be complicit in the omissions and corruption of Martí Batres on this issue of pollution.

He recalled that the right to water is universal and is established in the Constitution, but Morena in the local Congress does not understand it.

2024-05-13 06:51:58

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