Paola Rojas contracts a streptococcus infection; the doctors believed she was Covid

by time news

2024-04-24 21:16:26

The host Paola Rojas alerted his followers after making a broadcast on his social networks where he revealed that he suffers from a strong strep infectionwhich can develop symptoms similar to those of Covid-19.

What happened to Paola Rojas?

According to the transmission made on her Instagram account, the driver She stated that she had been sick for several days and that at the beginning of her illness she isolated herself because she believed it was Covid-19, but when she was tested strep testthis came back negative, so he consulted a second opinion.

Photo: Instagram @paolarojas

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When performing the strep test, a common bacteria during this season, noted that he tested positive. Although the driver is already attending to antibiotic treatments, He confessed that his symptoms have been very painful and that is why he shared his state of health to alert those who may be going through his situation.

“Yes, that was it, I’m just going to start antibiotics for Streptococcus. The doctor assures me that there are many cases and it is not on everyone’s radar. They are symptoms very similar to those of Covid-19,” the host revealed.

What bacteria causes strep and how is it spread?

A strep infection It is caused by bacteria of the genus Streptococcus, which can mainly affect the throat and skin. In accordance with information From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these bacteria are responsible for conditions such as strep throat, scarlet fever and erysipelas.

Photo: iStock

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A strep infection It can be contracted through direct contact with saliva droplets or nasal secretions from an infected person, whether by sneezing, coughing, or even talking around other people. It can also be contracted by sharing personal items such as cutlery, glasses, or towels with someone who has a strep infection activa.

Among the most common symptoms of a strep infection the following are found:

  • Sore throat and difficulty swallowing
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Red spots with white dots on the throat
  • Rashes
  • General malaise and fatigue

Two exists types of streptococcusthose of group A and group B. Although Paola Rojas did not reveal what type of strep infection suffers, according to your symptoms it could be group A streptococcuswhich corresponds to bacteria that are usually present in the throat and skin.

Photo: iStock

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How dangerous is group A strep?

He group A streptococcus It can cause a variety of infections, from mild skin infections to serious invasive diseases such as necrotizing fasciitis and scarlet fever.

A strep infection It can be very dangerous due to its ability to spread quickly and become complicated, causing serious diseases such as pneumonia, sepsis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

Identify a strep infection It is important to provide adequate treatment; in the case of the host Paola Rojasassured that he is already on medication to recover as soon as possible.

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