Paolo Mereghetti’s “Cinema Lessons” arrive – Corriere TV

by time news

2023-09-09 11:28:16

The best of the history of the big screen told in 24 episodes by the journalist and film critic Paolo Mereghetti: “Lezioni di Cinema” is the name of the new Rai Cultura program broadcast every Sunday at 12.00 on Rai Movie from 10 September and always available from 10 September , on RaiPlay in two Box Sets of 12 “small” episodes. An opportunity to “reread” – with Mereghetti’s guidance – the grammar of cinema, the themes, techniques, stories and the social impact of some films and the most popular and significant film genres. The program – signed by Gianluca Russo and directed by Giuseppe Bucchi – proposes a new point of view: from the great philosophical questions on the function of cinema itself, to the numerous stories that accompanied the birth and development of the film industry. The individual episodes are dedicated to the genres of the big screen, to its authors, to in-depth analysis on the theme of Black and White and Colour, to the great Festivals. And even to the Cinepanettoni. All explained by the author of the most famous film dictionary and enriched by the animated illustrations of Marco Raparelli. The program was created at the Mic, Interactive Museum of Cinema in Milan. Executive Producer Alessandra Sergola. “With these cinema lessons I would like to help those who love films to discover the many riches of cinema, its protagonists, its history, its curiosities, the turning points that have marked its evolution up to the reflections that can help to better understand its scope” – says Paolo Mereghetti. “My not only academic lessons last no more than eight or ten minutes, and above all they are told in the plain and simple, but not superficial, language of a chat with friends. Their aim is only to offer some more tools, some more knowledge to be able to better appreciate the world of cinema, whether it is the importance of Hollywood studios or cinepanettone, of the relationship between color and white and black or the history of the western, of Fellini or Godard, of the role of the director or that of the screenwriters, of the history of the western or noir or of Italian cinema. Twenty-four lessons which are as many possible paths to love the beauty of cinema even more”. Marco Raparelli adds: “I am an artist who uses drawing as his main language and the intervention that was requested of me for “Cinema Lessons” was precisely to interpret the narrative of the creator and presenter through images. my drawings therefore accompanied each lesson, alongside the words with a story in images. I did a lot of research and then worked freely and extemporaneously, with the methods that distinguish my work, so it was a very stimulating and pleasant experience, I hope this can reach the viewer. Cecilia Valmarana, Deputy Director of Rai Cultura, concludes: “Lezioni di Cinema is a program that could only be presented here at the Lido, given the close and important relationship between Rai and the Biennale. Rai Cultura is proud of “Lezioni di Cinema”, a product that can support and enrich the viewing of films and which, thanks to Paolo Mereghetti, author of the most famous film dictionary, and Marco Raparelli’s work on animated illustrations, allows Rai to carry out its public service role, providing insights, informing and educating. And not just movie lovers.” (by Nino Luca, sent to Venice)

September 9, 2023 – Updated September 9, 2023, 4:03 pm


#Paolo #Mereghettis #Cinema #Lessons #arrive #Corriere

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