Pap Ndiaye, a well-rounded Minister of National Education

by time news

Break or continuity? This question has pursued Pap Ndiaye since his appointment on May 20, Rue de Grenelle. The Minister of National Education is annoyed: “It seems to me essential to escape a simplistic alternative which would be either perfect continuity or the 180 degree turn and rupture”he argued in an interview with Parisian, June 20. But when we examine the composition of his cabinet, the continuity is obvious. Starting with the choice of its director, Jean-Marc Huart, a close to Jean-Michel Blanquer. The former minister had appointed him Director General of School Education (Dgesco), in other words number two of the Ministry of National Education, in August 2017. Jean-Marc Huart had piloted in particular the reform of high school and baccalaureate, before taking the reins of the rectorate of Nancy-Metz in 2019.

Macronie is also very present with Pap Ndiaye. Chief of staff and special adviser, Anne Rubinstein knows Emmanuel Macron well, of whom she was chief of staff when he was minister of the economy, in 2014. This fine connoisseur of the mysteries of government has accompanied other novices in politics, such as Nicolas Hulot – she had held the same position during her time at the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pap Ndiaye, an education minister put to the test by the shortage of teachers

Education referent in Emmanuel Macron’s campaign team, Julie Benetti has also joined the cabinet of the new minister. The former rector of Corsica worked on the construction of the education program of the candidate president. A roadmap that she will now implement.

A team quickly operational

While Jean-Michel Blanquer had arrived Rue de Grenelle with his close guard (including Christophe Kerrero, the rector of Paris), Pap Ndiaye did not know most of his advisers. Should we see in the composition of the cabinet a locking of the Elysée? The entourage of the Minister of National Education pleads pragmatism. “Pap Ndiaye does not come from the classic political seraglio. He has no advisers who have been following him for a long time, no fellow travellers”recognize Anne Rubinstein.

Beyond this continuity, it is also a “at the same time” that presides over the composition of the cabinet. Although Pap Ndiaye is beginning his political career, most of his advisers already have experience in ministerial offices and come from various political backgrounds. Jean-Marc Huart worked for Minister Xavier Darcos during Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency, Laurent Crusson, now Pap Ndiaye’s social adviser, worked with Vincent Peillon, Fanny Jaffray, culture, memory and equal opportunities adviser, with Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

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