Papillomavirus: the vaccine that could make some types of cancer disappear, also useful for adults

by time news

In Italy it is estimated that every year the Papillomavirus or HPV is responsible for about 6,500 new cases of tumors in both sexes, at least 15,000 high-grade anogenital lesions in women and over 80,000 cases of genital warts. It is the leading cause of cervical cancer, which was the most common tumor in the early 19th century and which today is among the least lethal. then the role of HPV in the formation of affecting tumors was demonstrated vulva, vagina, penis and anus (very rare forms of cancer) and carcinomas of theoropharynx (mouth).
The latest stats demonstrate the efficacy, as well as safety, of vaccination against HPV, but in our country the opportunity is little exploited. Where people started before (as in Australia) or where the adhesion was massive (for example in Denmark) the precancerous lesions have practically disappeared and this bodes well for the future: experts from all over the world are convinced that the tumors caused from the virus are destined to vanish. Or at least to become very rare.

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