‘Paradise’ in Africa; How did Rwanda become the cleanest country in the world?

by time news

In general, everyone has some preconceptions about African countries. It is not uncommon to see them discounted for everything from skin color to food. Even in Hollywood movies, African countries are portrayed as slums, famines and diseases. But an African country has now surpassed even the developed European countries to become the cleanest country on earth. It is the continuous efforts of the people and their rulers of a country that have led them to this achievement.


How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

Rwanda is a landlocked country in Central Africa. Rwanda is the fifth most populous country in the world. Currently, most of the youth are here. Until the early 2000s, it was a country as economically backward as many African countries. However, with the subsequent implementation of various policies focusing on industrialization, the economic condition of the country began to change. But Rwanda has not been significantly affected by natural disasters and pollution, as has been the case in many places since industrialization. This was due to the clear policies adopted by the government on all these issues. It is these policies that have made Rwanda the cleanest country in the world.

Prohibition of plastics

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest crises facing the world today. Part of the plastic has reached from the Himalayas to the deep sea. Rwanda began recognizing and resolving the crisis a decade and a half ago. In 2008, Rwanda banned single-use plastics. The Rwandan government has decided to ban plastic packaging, even on packaged food items. Instead, covers were made using materials extracted from biodegradable fabrics, ranging from banana leaves.

How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

The Rwandan capital is an example of how seriously Rwanda takes conservation and cleanliness. Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, has been the cleanest city in Africa since 2008. Kigali was given this status by the UN Habitat. Violation of pollution laws in Kigali could result in imprisonment. It is these strict rules that have made Rwanda a winner in environmental protection. In addition, Rwanda is allocating money for the study of eco-friendly practices. At the same time, it provides special assistance and protection for new business ventures aimed at the manufacture of eco-friendly materials.

Increased forest cover

How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

Another requirement of environmental protection is to make up about 30 percent of a country’s forest area, according to the UN. Rwanda is a country that has taken this goal very seriously. It would be a mistake to think that the area of ​​the forest is less than that of an African country. Rwanda’s efforts to secure 30 percent of the country’s forest cover lasted from 2011 to 2020. Rwanda has achieved this goal through activities ranging from agro forestry to tree planting. Rwanda also won the World Future Police Award for these efforts. Rwanda currently has 29.8 percent forest cover. The government has also identified about 670 hectares of fallow land for planting trees. The authorities are preparing to expand the forest area by planting wild and fruit trees in the wasteland.


How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

Kinyarwanda is the official language of Rwanda. Umuganda in Kinyarwanda means to work with one mind for one goal. There is a community of the same name among the people of Rwanda. The members of this community go out for cleaning on a Saturday every month. This group sanitation campaign is also a critical force behind Rwanda’s social sanitation. Umuganda is not an activity that can only be attended by those who want it. Umuganda has a mandatory partnership. If anyone stays away from participating in Umuganda, the police themselves will be forced to take part in the clean-up. Police also have the power to fine them up to $ 6 if they continue to leave. Eco-friendly practices in tourism and energy can be seen in Rwanda. There are hotels in Rwanda that run on 100% solar energy. At the same time, the construction of such hotels and tourist attraction buildings is as environmentally friendly as possible.

Biodiversity recovery

How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

The biodiversity of African forests has been severely depleted by smuggling. In the case of Rwanda, however, the situation is different. Rwanda has been as successful in bringing back biodiversity as it has been bringing back forests. In addition, Rwanda is paying close attention to the conservation of their ecosystems. As part of the protection, former hunters who know the forest closely are now deployed as security guards in the wildlife section. Although it sounds like the thief is holding the key, in effect this move has helped to almost completely prevent wildlife poaching in Rwanda.

In addition, biodiversity activism has contributed to Rwanda’s tourism. There are four national parks in Rwanda. All four of these are highly environmentally friendly. Therefore, visitors can enjoy these natural parks without losing any of their natural beauty. Rwanda received approximately $ 750 million in revenue from these national parks in 2018-2019.

English Summary: How Rwanda Became One of the Cleanest Nations on Earth

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