Paris Hilton’s baby could have an anomaly due to the large size of her head

by time news

2023-09-13 01:32:25

The famous American influencer shared a photograph that caught attention, as fans claim that the Paris Hilton’s son has a larger than normal head.

Through social networks, the artist shared a publication in which her first baby and mentioning that he is “loved beyond words.”

So far, no details have been released about the patient’s health. baby of the 42-year-old actress, which has caused concern from fans.

Although users on social networks It was noticed that Paris Hilton’s son might have a larger head than normal, the celebrity shared that she and eight-month-old Phoenix enjoyed a weekend together.

Paris Hilton‘s son draws attention for having a big head. Photo: @parishilton

What happens if a baby has a larger than normal head?

According to Mayo Clinic Medical Institute, There are newborns who may have a slightly irregular head and this can occur when passing through the birth canal.

Likewise, the largest size of the baby head It may be because the bones of the skull in the frontal areas have not yet come together. The frontal ones allow the baby’s relatively large head to move through the narrow birth canal.

If this is the case of the newborn, it is possible that the irregular head shape change over time, however, it is very important to go to the doctor for a check-up.

When to worry about the size of a baby’s head?

He baby care It has to be delicate and its corresponding growth, so if we notice that his head begins to grow quickly or slowly it could be an alarming situation.

This condition may be accompanied by a neurological deficit and may be associated with alterations in the shape of the skull.

This may be due to anomalies in the skull sutures and it is necessary to see a pediatrician to evaluate the case.

You should know that it is necessary to go to a specialist to monitor the baby’s proper growth, as well as the size of its head.

Paris Hilton‘s son draws attention for having a big head. Photo: iStock

What is the normal size of a baby’s head?

Everything will depend on the size of the newborn as well as what the doctor announces, however, the average circumference of a baby’s head usually measures between 35cm to 38cm in the first month.

What happens when a child has a lost look?

Users on social networks also mentioned that the Paris Hilton baby seemed to have the Lost lookbut what is this characteristic related to?

Although Phoenix is ​​too young to determine if he has any condition, the lost gaze in children is known as childhood absence epilepsy, which occurs when the child loses consciousness in short periods of time.

In addition to staring blankly, children do not respond to what is happening around them, which can worry parents.

Now what to know why Paris Hilton’s son might have a head larger than normal, we invite you to watch the following video:

#Paris #Hiltons #baby #anomaly #due #large #size

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