Parking zones will apply on the streets around Bulovka: Prague 8 does not yet know in which streets

by time news

2023-08-05 09:56:00

The new zones concern the area called Libeň-střed. “We approach the introduction of paid parking zones based on an analysis that shows that it is appropriate to introduce them. Some local residents are also calling for zones, especially in Vosmíkových Street,” Šalek said.

Once introduced, zones will be connected to surrounding areas, in which they already work. The reason for the zones around Bulovka is precisely that the cars from the mentioned areas moved here. At the same time, parking for residents in this area will be improved, Šalek said.

The establishment of the zones has already been approved by the Prague 8 Transport Commission and the district administration. Once a project is created, the city district will submit it to the municipal parking committee. Although the location and extent of the zones are planned by the city district, their launch must ultimately be approved by the municipality.

Zones were first introduced in the capital city in their modern form in 1996 in the part of Prague 1, where efforts to regulate traffic appeared as early as 1982. They subsequently expanded and operate in Prague 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10, 13, 16 and 22. The municipality collects around half a billion crowns annually from parking fees.

This is how the lines in Prague 8 look, for example.

Author: Milan Kubát

#Parking #zones #apply #streets #Bulovka #Prague #streets

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