Parliamentarians gathered in Congress to vote on registration on March 5

by time news

2023-12-13 12:37:31

The deadline is approaching. The Congress, where 3/5th of the elected representatives of Parliament will have to vote to include voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) in the Constitution, will meet “on March 5”, announced Wednesday the Minister of Solidarity and Families Aurore Bergé, at the microphone of South Radio.

“When we have a majority that guarantees that we can include abortion in the Constitution, we do it, and we do not expect this to be the case anymore,” she said. “Because if in five years, 10 years or 15 years, the majorities change and these majorities want to attack women’s rights, want to defund abortion, limit access rights, reduce the time in which you can have resort to abortion, it will be too late to cry,” insisted the minister.

A project presented Tuesday to the Council of Ministers

The Congress of Parliament is the meeting of the two chambers, the Senate and the National Assembly. To revise the Constitution, a three-fifths majority vote of the parliamentarians thus assembled is necessary. The bill including voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) in the Constitution was presented to the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.

A long-standing request from feminist associations and the left, the question of including the right to abortion in the Constitution resurfaced in 2022 after the annulment of the ruling guaranteeing the United States the right to abortion on the entire territory, which had the effect of an electric shock in many countries.

According to a parliamentary source, the bill was placed on the agenda of the National Assembly for January 24. After examination in the National Assembly and the Senate, the formulation will still have to be endorsed at a Congress in Versailles.

#Parliamentarians #gathered #Congress #vote #registration #March

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