Pas-de-Calais: she killed her husband with a stab to the heart, the court accepts self-defense and acquits her

by time news

2024-01-12 04:00:31

After 30 months in prison, she emerged free and not guilty. A woman who killed her companion with a stab in 2021 was acquitted on Thursday by the Assize Court of Pas-de-Calais, the jurors having accepted self-defense, a rare decision, we learned with his lawyer.

This woman “was found guilty of fatal assault, but acquitted because self-defense was recognized,” indicates her lawyer, Me Fleur Bridoux, confirming information from La Voix du Nord. Placed in pre-trial detention since the homicide two and a half years ago, she was to be released Thursday evening.

On the night of June 20 to 21, 2021, this woman, who was then 46 years old, had suffered a “single stab wound to the heart” of her companion, after he had thrown himself at her and had “started to ‘strangle’. Both were alcoholic, “she at 1.6 g (per liter of blood) and he at more than 2 g”, indicates the lawyer.

His client “has a black hole, no longer remembers if it was he who leaned over and impaled himself on the knife, or if it was she who dealt the blow”.

Regularly abused by her companion

The prosecutor had requested six years of imprisonment and seven years of socio-judicial follow-up, requesting the reclassification of the murder as a fatal blow but ruling out self-defense by arguing that “the response was neither proportionate nor concomitant with the attack”. reports Me Bridoux.

This woman, who was “regularly assaulted by her partner”, whom she had been seeing for two years, had “already filed a complaint twice beforehand, complaints which had been closed without further action”, argued Me Bridoux.

According to her, “what weighed in the decision on self-defense was that this gentleman’s former companions came to tell of the ordeal he had put them through”: violence, social isolation. His client had already been convicted in the past, jointly with a previous partner, for mutual domestic violence. “She had hit him with a box cutter,” said his lawyer.

She has “always been the victim of violence, since her earliest childhood”, by her parents then by several spouses, adds Me Bridoux.

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