“Patients prefer simple words and appreciation”

by time news

2023-07-17 11:40:12

In the doctor-patient relationship “it is important to use simple words, not distancing them like the technical ones and, in the caregiver-patient relationship, not always and only be compassionate and not even use phrases like ‘you are a warrior’. Instead, we need to live everyday life, working on esteem of the interlocutors. We have noticed that, when words are used that enhance the esteem of those who are listening to us, the emotion is very positive and the cognitive process becomes much more consistent and more is memorized”. Thus Vincenzo Russo, professor of consumer psychology and neuromarketing, coordinator of the Behavior and Brain Lab research center of the Iulm University of Milan, comments on the results of ‘Connessioni di vita. The guide for interactions that are good for you’, the first neurometric analysis on the interactions that patients with chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms and chronic myeloid leukemia experience with doctors, family members and friends, promoted by Novartis in collaboration with the Aipamm association, as part of the information and awareness campaign ‘Mielo-Spieghi’.

In the relationship there are “elements that diriment the empathic relationship – explains Russo – The ability to look intensely into the eyes activates the mirror neurons”. In fact, these come into operation “when I do something and when I see it being done. If I smile, I am sure that the nucleus accumbens, which has to do with positive emotion, will be activated in the interlocutor’s brain”.

When interacting with someone “it’s very important – continues Russo – to measure what people don’t want or can’t tell us. Just as in the study we measured, with heart rate and hand sweating, the emotional index – if the emotion is positive or negative and the intensity – we also used an eye tracker, which measures what people look at, to match what you look at with what you feel” as an emotion “and memorize it”.

The data collected is “extremely interesting – underlines the expert – because it enhances those elements that doctors perhaps consider less marked. Sometimes the relationship is too technical and the practical point of view that affects the patient the most is lost: it is no coincidence – observes Russo – that patients look intensely at the doctor’s face. A small distraction”, for example, “is perceived by the patient in a negative way: even if this is justified on a rational level and we know rationally that certain things they can happen – concludes the teacher – emotionally we do not want to admit and accept them. For this reason it is important to be very careful about the emotional dimension”.

#Patients #prefer #simple #words #appreciation

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