Patrick Kane will not sign any contract before the start of the league

by time news

2023-07-16 11:21:47

With the opening of free agency on July 1, without a doubt one of the names for which the fans were eager to know their future is that of possibly the most outstanding American player in the history of the NHL, Patrick Kane. The one from Buffalo after finishing his new challenge in the playoff with the New York Rangers, He was undergoing surgery on June 2 for hip surgery that would leave him off the slopes with a rehabilitation of four to six months.

He is not the first nor the last player to go through such a process, so given his track record and performance on the ice, no one doubts that he remains a valuable asset, let alone your agent, Pat Brisson, who in statements to NHL.comthe league’s official website, made official what ESPN had already dropped as a well-founded rumor, that the striker would not sign any contract before the start of the league on October 10.

Some statements in which the player’s representative expressed that he hopes that Kane will return in all his fullness after playing for a year and a half with difficulties, and that after his rehabilitation and recovery, he can become a magnificent asset for many teams.

A contract tied to the circumstances of the moment

There is still a long way to go before the start of the season and to know the initial potential of many teams in the league, even more so how their performance will be in November or December, which is when the fully competitive return of the former Blackhawks franchise man is expected. .

It will be those circumstances of the moment that will direct Patrick Kane’s steps, not only in terms of the color of the jersey he will wear, but also regarding the duration of the contract., either for the current season or a multi-year contract. What his agent does not mention in said interview, but is undoubtedly in Kane’s head and heart, is that this destiny should give him the opportunity to unite a Stanley Cup to the three that he already collected in Chicago in the years 2010, 2013 and 2015.

He will be 35 years old by the time he has to sign that new contractbut in the end-of-season statements on May 3 in which he revealed the possibility of undergoing surgery that was not yet clear, if He made it clear that the question of age did not mean a loss for his hockey, “I’ll be 35 next season, but it doesn’t make me feel old,” Kane said. “I feel relatively young, and I see that the passion is still there. I know that I can be an elite player if my attention is only hockey and not how I feel that day.”

The talent and professionalism shown in the NHL, both in the good and bad times of his career, give him enough support to bet on this path that is more uncertain than the search for a short-term contract, but that it will certainly bring you closer to a more satisfying continuation of your career.

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